The United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 is a pivotal global initiative stipulated in order to transform our planet into a more sustainable and inclusive ecosystem for all living creatures. The Agenda entails 17 Sustainable Development Goals that have been conceived in order to alleviate and dismantle the biggest threats to life on our planet. In addition to the goals that can be integrated into our operational activities, each year we select a handful, whose attainment we endorse by supporting specific projects financially.
The goal is to provide all people with access to safe water sources and sanitation. We do our part by ensuring highest hygiene standards through our products. Two of our core products, PEX-b and PERT, are used for the production of water pipes. Their technological advantages make it possible to significantly reduce germ deposits – inside the pipes and consequently also in us humans.
Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) for Decent Work and Economic Growth, Plastrans is deeply committed to regional value creation through sustainable practices. We prioritize regional partnerships and sourcing of renewable resources to foster environmentally friendly employment opportunities and green jobs. Under the umbrella of Ghazan Global being invested in the companies BiologiQ and CO2BioClean, Plastrans engages in close cooperation with BiologiQ and CO2BioClean and in the promotion of sustainable material solutions based on the locally available feedstocks starch and CO2.
At Plastrans, our team is central to our success. We prioritize economic growth and favorable working conditions by providing ongoing, personalized training to match individual skills and interests, ensuring a secure and supportive work environment.
Our vision is to be a leading supplier of biobased polymers, offering eco-friendly employment and driving the shift towards a renewable, circular economy.
At Plastrans, we clearly stand behind the UN Sustainable Development Goal 10 (SDG 10) and have deeply rooted the principles in our organization. Diversity at all levels, from origin and cultural background to gender and age, ensures mutual understanding, an open corporate culture, and thus interaction on an equal footing. This understanding of each other is our basis for preventing any unequal treatment. This is why we have not only specifically laid down equality in our Code of Conduct, but also live it every day.
Mutual understanding is the basis for reducing and preventing inequalities. To ensure that our corporate culture remains this way, we give ourselves the opportunity for personal training and development, with open and effective communication in particular being a key component.
We are committed to this goal, not only by enabling our customers to use materials more efficiently in processing through innovative products, but also by carrying out all our business activities in the spirit of a circular economy. Along these lines, we have long been offering our customers recyclate solutions that meet their high quality standards. Increasingly, the motto is: Upcycling instead of Recycling.
Human-induced climate change affects millions of people worldwide and is rightfully considered to be the greatest threat of our times. It is therefore urgently needed to not only address its symptoms, but to tackle its root causes.
The decentralized conversion of starch is part of this solution-based approach. This is because a raw material that can be cultivated sustainably in most regions of the world not only reduces dependency on fossil fuels but can also be produced closer to the processing industry, thereby minimizing highly polluting sections of the supply chain in the long term. Moreover, products made from these biobased polymers are biodegradable – a trait that accounts for great potential in times of excessive consumer consumption.
We promote and support the preservation of ecosystems by acknowledging the fundamental added value of bio-based and biodegradable materials in appropriate applications as an alternative to conventional plastics. This understanding is also reflected in Plastrans Technologies’ portfolio transformation process. Through our product solutions, we contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint and the input of micro-plastics into soils and waters to avoid negative impacts on soil fertility and ecosystems. In this way, we actively participate in the fight against the climate crisis, which affects not only life on land, but all life.
We live out our commitment to sustainability in our selection of annually renewable raw materials from efficient land use, while striving for equally efficient and responsible use of resources. Our biodegradable materials are designed for accelerated and complete biodegradation. Depending on environmental conditions, degradation takes place within years under difficult conditions and within a few weeks under composting conditions.
What you can conceive, you can achieve
Dominik Talebi LL.M., Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs
Solidarity counts, now more than ever. The Corona crisis confronts every one of us with tasks, above all, overwhelming those who are old, lonely, chronically ill, in need of care or have been living in socially precarious environments for most of their lives. Succinctly, the ones who are in desperate need for support must receive help by society. Hence, our contribution.
The ORF has founded a mutual aid program called ‘Austria helps Austria’ with the leading Austrian aid organisations for assistance in the present and future times catastrophe. Precisely, the aim is to unite all efforts through a holistically conceived initiative of nationwide cooperation and solidarity.
Caritas, Diakonie, Hilfswerk, Rotes Kreuz, Volkshilfe and Samariterbund take a common stance against the Covid-19 pandemic. An effort we wholeheartedly endorse.
For the World Food Programme (WFP), responding to emergencies is second nature – whatever their cause or location.
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is disrupting the world as we knew it, with a heavy toll on human lives and economic activities. Its rapid global spread is threatening to affect millions of people already made vulnerable by food insecurity, malnutrition and the effects of conflict and other disasters.
To minimize the impact of the epidemic on the 138 million people it intends to serve this year, WFP is adapting its planning to ensure they will continue receiving the assistance they need.
We are ready to help starving people in this unprecedented crisis with our long-term experience as well as extensive know-how in the fields of first aid, logistic and supply chains, emergency telecommunication, nutrition and other key areas.
Plastrans cooperates with ColorsForGood: The bracelets are made responsibly by employing and empowering women from the State of Yucatán, in Mexico, who have very limited access to job opportunities. Each bracelet directly contributes towards improving their quality of life.
Additionally, ColorsForGood supports positive impact initiatives and NGOs that are working to make the world a better place through their Giving Back Program – amongst other projects in México, Nicaragua and Venezuela.
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